You can place an order directly on our website by adding products to your shopping cart. Or you can send us an email on and also you can contact us on Whatsapp on +40728350300
It depends on the country you are from but usually it doesnt take more than 5 working days
You can pay via bank wire transfer or by card
You can pickup the order fron our warehouse but it needs to be payed before.
Our warehouse working hours are 09:00 - 16:30
More info in the Contact section
Check out the order history section and you will find the invoices for all the previous orders
Cotnact us via email at and we will arrange the return
Cotnact us via email at and we will find the best solution about compensation
In the wishlist you can save your favorite products so you dont have to look for them next time you want to order. Also you can share the list with other people. You add products to the wishlit by clicking on the small heart in the product page
You can set up a email alert for when the product is back in stock from the product page
You can see all your orders in the order history section from you account dashboard
Contact us via phone, Whatsapp or email: